Hedieh Jafari - Tehran, “An Iranian Fairy Tale Journey Through the Tunnels and Tissues of Our Human Conscience”

Hugo Besard


Ex-libris and printmaking artist Hedieh Jafari, born in Tehran, Iran in
1990, draws attention with the engravings she created with the mezzotint
technique, which requires intensive labor. She greets us with a dramatic
narrative in his works on the deterioration of the global environment.
Hedieh’s engravings lead people to think and question. Hedieh’s work
also carries a moral message. The graphic language of the young artist,
the subjects he chose, and the way he composed them are remarkable.
Graphically, it’s artistically so beautiful.
In a poignant, penetrating and artistic way Hedieh manages to conjure up
powerful images of chilly, grey and desolate underground stations in which
all kinds of rare and endangered animal species have washed ashore. The
graphic compositions are astonishing and at the same time haunting and
alienating, and charged with a raw poetry that confronts the viewer with
human pride and disrespectful brutality towards his fellow inhabitants on


Ex-libris, Art, Mezzotint, Collector, Iran.

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