The Toning with Etching Technique in the Art of Ex-libris

Mustafa Küçüköner


Ex-libris printmaking technique, which is used as a property indicator for private books and in the library system in the historical flow, has become an important branch of art over time and has started to be used in gift giving and artistic fields. Thanks to artistic activities such as international competitions and biennials, the art of Ex-libris has also created a cultural bridge over the world in the last quarter century. The art of ex-libris means ownership and also makes a kind of promotion of the person or institution on whose behalf it is made. Thus, both ownership and promotional features can be together. In addition to the classical techniques in ex-libris production, new techniques are also used today in accordance with modern technology. Today, computer design applications have been added to high printing techniques such as wood and linoleum and intaglio printing techniques such as copper and zinc. The most widely used technique in the development process has generally been the acid etching technique and its versions. In this study, first the ex-libris technique will be explained, then the history of the ex-libris art will be briefly mentioned. Then, the acid engraving method will be mentioned and the gradual acid engraving method will be explained by supporting the technical details in the tables. Afterwards, images of 6 ex-libris works will be given and the contribution of the different tones obtained by acid engraving on these works to the painting will be mentioned.


Ex-libris, Acid Engraving, C3, Toning, Engraving, Printmaking.

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